Student Support Services is a federally-funded TRIO program committed to helping undergraduate students be successful. The mission of TRIO Student Support Services at Ƶ is to help participants succeed holistically by empowering them to expand their horizons.
Some of the services we offer include the following:
Holistic one-on-one success coaching
Educational workshops
Assistance in applying for financial aid
One-on-one and group tutoring
Cultural events and outings
Leadership development
Encouragement of spiritual formation
Graduate school advising and college visits
By capitalizing on the opportunities provided for personal and social growth while in a supportive environment, the participant can achieve success in learning and leadership. TRIStudent Support Services is dedicated to building a network between students, campus and community by utilizing the values of faith, authenticity and teamwork.
TRIO is a set of federally-funded college opportunity programs that motivate and support students in their pursuit of a college degree. There are over 2,800 programs nationally that serve students from sixth grade through college graduation. Famous alumni include Jose Hernandez, the second Latino astronaut, and Patrick Ewing, coach, Olympian and former professional basketball player.
The history of TRIO is progressive. It began with Upward Bound, which emerged out of the Economic Opportunity Act of 1964. In 1965, Talent Search, the second outreach program, was created as part of the Higher Education Act. In 1968, Student Support Services was authorized by the Higher Education Amendments and became the third in a series of educational opportunity programs. By the late 1960’s, the term “TRIO” was coined to describe these federal programs.
Over the years, the TRIO Programs have been expanded and improved to provide a wider range of services and to reach more students who need assistance. The Higher Education Amendments of 1972 added the fourth program to the TRIO group by authorizing the Educational Opportunity Centers. The 1976 Education Amendments authorized the Training Program for Federal TRIO Programs. Amendments in 1986 added the sixth program, the Ronald E. McNair Postbaccalaureate Achievement Program. Additionally, in 1990, the Department created the Upward Bound Math/Science program to address the need for specific instruction in the fields of math and science.
To be eligible for Student Support Services, students must be seeking a degree, enrolled at HCU and be a U.S. citizen or permanent resident. Students must also meet at least one of the following criteria:
Be a first generation college student
Meet U.S. Department of Education income guidelines
TRIO SSS participants have the opportunity to experience academic workshops, cultural activities, and attend graduate school tours throughout the United States. For an event reflection, which must be completed after any TRIO-sponsored event, click here.
“Through TRIO I have gained insight into the wonderful world around me. I have been able to see and experience things that I would have never imagined possible. Being able to go to events like a ballet or the Holocaust Museum or even getting to see a Broadway play has helped me broaden my horizons and get to fully experience what Houston has to offer. By stepping out of my comfort zone and expanding my horizons culturally, I have begun to see that we all strive to be the best we can be. I highly encourage any TRIO member to participate in the cultural events and gain insight of the world around us.”
Today Rechanne continues to expand her horizons and absorb the knowledge of different cultures as a Librarian.
“Through the privilege of being in TRIO, I have gained not only the means of academic help, but also the gain of relationships that I would have never had. Those relationships in turn help me to value the importance of people in all areas of life. My goal one day is to be a successful motivational speaker and to help thousands of people in all areas of life. TRIO has opened that door by helping me start right where I am!”
“TRIO Student Support Services has helped me in so many ways and has really helped me academically during college. TRIO has taught me so many things, such as self-discipline and responsibility as staff encourage students to study and stay on top of things. Because of that, I was able to continuously excel academically and surpass my own set goals. During my TRIO experience, I have received great help in preparation for life after my undergraduate years as I gained exposure during the graduate school tours. I love that this program branches out to so many students from different communities, and I am proud to say that I am a part of the TRIO program.”
Today Eunique is preparing to apply to medical school. She just completed her post-baccalaureate program at Baylor College of Medicine (BCM) and is continuing to conduct clinical research.