University Phone Directory
Whether you’re a prospective student, an alum, a friend of the University, or a fellow Houstonian, we welcome the opportunity to answer your questions and provide you with the information you need.
The University switchboard may be reached at (281) 649-3000.
If you are unable to find the department you are needing below, contact us via our contact form and we will route it to the proper department. (This may be slower than contacting the department directly.)
Mailing Address:
7502 Fondren Road
Houston, Texas 77074-3298
Search Personnel Directory / University Leadership
Academic Affairs/Provost | (281)649-3232 |
Academic Records and Registration | (281)649-3213 |
Accounting | (281) 649-3146 |
Accounts Payable | (281) 649-3016 |
Admissions | |
(281)649-3211 | |
(281)649-3306 | |
Masters – Counseling, Psychology, Gideon Institute
(281) 649-3131 |
(281)649-3094 | |
(281)649-3338 | |
(281)649-3269 | |
(281)649-3383 | |
Advancement | (281)649-3222 |
Academic Support and Resources | (281)649-3081 |
Alumni Association | (281)649-3413 |
(281) 649-3360 | |
(281)649-3205 | |
Band Hall | (281) 649-3378 |
Baugh Center | (281) 649-3341 |
Bible in America, Dunham Family (see Museums) | |
Ǵǰٴǰ( University Bookstore) | |
Business Office | (281) 649-3749 |
Cashier’s Office (see Student Account’s Office) | |
(281) 649-3259 | |
Baptist Student Ministries | (281) 649-3223 |
Campus Police (see Police) | |
Campus Services (see Operations) | |
Campus Recreation | (281)649-3505 |
Career and Calling | (281)649-3169 |
Ceramic Studio | (281) 649-3000 x2210 |
Church Relations | (281)649-3355 |
(281)649-3325 | |
Colleges and Schools | |
(281)649-3600 | |
(281)649-3240 | |
(281)649-3013 | |
(281)649-3383 | |
(281)649-3338 | |
(281)649-3300 | |
(281) 649-3630 | |
Communications and Rhetoric | (281) 649-3603 |
Cullen Parlor (Cullen Nursing building) | (281) 649-3198 |
Decorative Arts Museum (see Museums) | |
Development (see Advancement) | |
Dillon I/II | (281) 649-3000 x2200 |
Dunham Bible Museum (see Museums) | |
Enrollment Management Vice President | (281) 649-3755 |
Emergency (to report an emergency) | (281)649-3911 |
Emergency Preparedness | |
Employment Opportunities at HCU | |
English | (281) 649-3600 |
Events (see University Events & Conferences) | |
Financial Operations Vice President | (281)649-3256 |
Financial Aid | (281)649-3749 |
Fitness Center | (281) 649-3501 |
(281) 649-3360 | |
Glasscock Center | (281) 649-3251 |
Graduate Admissions (also Admissions) | (281) 649-3269 |
Guild, The | (281) 649-3362 |
Helpdesk | (281) 649-3410 |
Hire a Husky / Hire an HCU Student (see Career and Calling) | |
Human Resources | (281) 649-3321 |
Husky Central (see Undergraduate Admissions) | |
Information Technology Services | (281) 649-3410 |
For technical support: See the HelpDesk
Marketing (University Communications) | (281) 649-3777 |
Institutional Effectiveness | (281) 649-3417 |
Instructional Media Services | (281) 649-3410 |
International Admissions | (281) 649-3292 |
International Students Services | (281)649-3292 |
Journalism and Mass Communications | (281) 649-3662 |
Library (see Moody Library) | |
Lost and Found (inside Student Life) | (281) 649-3238 |
Mabee Theater | (281) 649-3151 |
Mail Room (see Post Office) | |
Maintenance | (281) 649-3319 |
Masters Programs (see Admissions) | |
Media Services (see Instructional Media Services) | |
Moody Library | (281)649-3304 |
Museums | |
(281)649-3311 | |
(281) 649-3287 | |
(281) 649-3610 | |
(281) 649-3997 | |
Music, Dept. of | (281) 649-3338 |
Nursing (see Colleges and Schools) | |
Operations (see Maintenance) | |
Personnel/Payroll (see Human Resources) | |
(281)649-3911 |
(281)649-3314 |
Political Science | (281) 649-3394 |
Post Office | (281) 649-3000 x2391 |
President’s Office | (281)649-3450 |
Procurement | (281) 649-3770 |
Provost/Academic Affairs | (281) 649-3232 |
Refuge | (281)649-3223 |
Registrar | (281)649-3213 |
Residence Life | (281) 649-3100 |
Scholarships | (281) 649-3749 |
Spiritual Life Office | (281) 649-3117 |
Sports Information (see Athletics) | |
Student Account’s Office | (281) 649-3471 |
Student Life | (281)649-3238 |
(281) 649-3652 | |
(281) 649-3652 | |
Student Involvement / Student Organizations | (281)649-3124 |
Student Ministries | (281)649-3223 |
Television Studio | (281)649-3400 |
Testing Services | (281) 649-3236 |
Transcripts (also Registrar) | (281) 649-3213 |
(281)649-3258 | |
University Events & Conferences | (281) 649-3047 |
University Police (see Police) | |
University Relations | (281) 649-3206 |
Veterans Affairs | (281)649-3213 |
Web Strategies | (281) 649-3777 |
Bradshaw Fitness Center, Bradshaw (see Fitness Center) | (281) 649-3501 |